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If you are passionate about musical instruments, especially the guitar, you need to discover the applications to learn guitar.

The guitar is one of the most sought-after instruments for those who want to start learning to play a musical instrument.

The popularity of the guitar is probably explained by the ease of access and transport of this instrument, and also because it is the best companion for singers.

Additionally, many professional musicians claim that it is one of the easiest instruments to learn.

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Now, whether you are a beginner or a professional, the apps to learn guitar are one more tool to make you a true guitar artist.

With these applications, learning has become more accessible, more flexible, and even less expensive!

For this, we present to you a list of the best applications that will allow you tolearn to play guitar right now.

1. Guitar 3D Chords by Polygonium

First of all, we present to you one of the most famous and popular applications among users, Guitar 3D Chords.

Guitar 3D Chords is an application developed especially for those who learn visually.

Unlike traditional methods that use photos or videos for guitar teaching, this app takes a completely different approach.

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SO, Guitar 3D Chords offers to learn the basic chords of the guitar by seeing them played by a 3D model of a guitarist accompanied by his instrument to demonstrate the movements of the arms, hands and fingers.

In this sense, the application is intended for both beginners and professional guitarists.

Even those who don't want to learn and just want to watch and listen to someone playing, the app is also for you.

This app is available for android And iPhone.

2. Simply Guitar by JoyTunes

Next we present the application Simply Guitar.

The application works like a real guitar lessons, and teaches you at your own pace, with step-by-step tutorials from renowned teachers.

With a paid subscription, the application offers a lesson plan adapted to your pace, with variations for guitar or electric guitar.

So, to practice, release the microphone of your device, place the instrument near the cell phone and play the notes requested in the exercises.

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The app recognizes the sound and gives you quick feedback on your progress.

Furthermore, the Simply Guitar Features its own tuner, ideal for practicing.

This app is available for android And iPhone.

3. Justin Guitar Lessons & Songs

To end our list, we present to you the application Justin Guitar Lessons & Songs.

Through this application, Justin Sandercoe will help you play your first songs with this course, which uses an interactive step-by-step to teach different chords, fingering techniques, and hundreds of songs.

Justin Guitar Lessons & Songs allows you to watch video lessons and perform daily exercises lasting 10 minutes.

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However, to have access to the entire content of the application, it is necessary to subscribe to one of the paid modes of the application.

Finally, JustinGuitar offers course modules for beginners, intermediate students and advanced students.

This app is available for android And Iphone.

Guitar 3D Chords android And Iphone

Simply Guitar android And Iphone

Justin Guitar Lessons & Songs android And Iphone